
Did Someone Say 'About Time?'

I've been at the Art Institute of Atlanta for a bit too long to not have one of these blogs for myself. For all who don't know (and shame if you do not), I am Jason B. Russell, a 4th quarter student at AIA, studying Game Art and Design (GAD). I pride myself in my work, and strive to keep myself on the Honor's list or above at all times. Life goes well.
Anyway, today begins my first day as a sophomore in college, and I'm pretty excited. It's about high time that I set some important goals for myself, so I decided to buy myself a 110 page sketchbook. By the end of this quarter, hopefully, half (or more) of the pages in it will be filled with quality sketches. I'm aware that I'm not beast-like like some of my colleagues, but I can at least try my best to fake it, right?

In other news, what's up with Georgia's weather lately (actually, all the time)? Yesterday it was warm and nice outside and I wore shorts and flip-flops, and when I left Nick's place last night, my feet were covered in water! Tornado watches and flood warnings and whatnot just appeared out of nowhere and slapped the east coast so badly that I couldn't even go home. So much for sleep, I guess. Especially considering that I have three 8am classes this quarter...

Well, I guess that's about it for this installment of The Wonderful Symposium of the Flaming Popsicle. Next time, we show off sketches and bake hard drives!