
Episode 2 - No Pictures, Please!

No posts at all in June huh? It's been a while, readers. I was definitely waaaay too busy during this last month to even think about blogging. School, relationship troubles, and the lack of a personal laptop does that do you. 

But enough about the past! It's now July, the sun is hotter than ever, even here in Virginia where I'm posting this from, and new things are happening. For starters, my old rusty LG Rumor finally gave up on me last month. The phone would only charge if I somehow jammed the charger into the phone, which would only happen if I either sat there and did it myself, or squeezed my phone in between a couch and the edge of a table. Both very inconvenient, and it was only a matter of time before the charger actually broke off into the phone, rendering the electronic brick utterly useless. Also, as stated in Episode 1, my MacBook mysteriously went on the fritz out of nowhere back in February. So without a phone and a computer, I felt as if I was effectively reduced to the status of a caveman. Terrible.

However, as of now, I have a brand new phone AND a brand new MacBook Pro [a testament to this blog, as it is being posted from it]! How glorious this break has been. Also, come to find out that I did a lot better than I thought I would in my classes this quarter: 3 B+'s and a B, still maintaining my 3.5 CGPA. Beautiful.

Here's some work to show off!

Project 2 for Intro to 3D. Looks nice, eh? 
Final project. My co-workers in Virginia still aren't convinced that it's not a real box!

Gumball machine mesh in the works, something to keep me fresh with Maya 2012. Look for finished model soon!

Sketched background designs for composite project for Background Design.

The one our group ended up using, laid out by me!
Just a few things that I was working on this quarter. You know, as much as I love drawing, I couldn't help but fall in love with Maya. I think I may have found my career path already, but it's gonna take some time for me to be completely sure. That's cool though, still got some time left before I graduate!

Well, that's basically it for Episode 2! Be expecting more blogs more often now! Next time, we ransack the Mona Lisa and draw her a beard! Stay tuned!

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