
Episode 6: March of the Pixels

Hello, dedicated viewers!

I realize that I broke my promise of at least a blog a week, and I'd like to apologize. Life always has a funny way of doing things to you so that you can't focus! 

Before we get started, some good news!
Finally traded in my dusty old Xbox 360 in for a PS3. [FlayminPopsikL is the PSN name, of course.] Still playing through Catherine until my next paycheck rolls around, it's one heck of a ride!
PASSED THAT INTERMEDIATE 3D MODELING CLASS!! It may have been a C [proud to say that's my lowest grade earned since I've been  at the Art Institute], but passing is passing nonetheless. 

Okay, now down to business. I have ALWAYS been a big fan of old-school games made with 8-bit graphics and music, so in turn, I'm a big fan of pixels altogether. Pixel art takes time and precision and is just truly amazing in my eyes. From a small little icon like a Mushroom from Super Mario Bros., to a fully detailed cutscene from the likes of Ninja Gaiden [the very first few on SNES], pixels have surrounded us. Some may be foolish enough to believe that with the advancement of technology in the past couple decades, pixel-style games and art have died out. Well you would be terribly wrong, my friend! While I am a big fan of big titles like Modern Warfare and the like, it never hurts to return to my roots. I grew up on Pokemon, Megaman, and the Sonic Advance titles. I even find myself playing new-school 8-bit games like Tower of Heaven [PLEASE check this game out, it is so good] and Super Smash Land[ If you're a fan of Smash Bros, you'll love this]. 

So what does all of this mean? Simply put, I'll be trying my hand at pixel art so that I can add that to my endless repertoire of skills. Every now and then, I'll post up a small little image that I'm working on, feel free to comment and criticize! I'm using Pixen, a free open source program for Macs.

So until then, stay tuned! And Happy Wednesday!
 - Jason B. Russell

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